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photo Hilary Taub

Office: Gladwyne, PA
Office #: 610.896.7400
Voicemail #: 610.341.4439
Fax #: 610.896.8112

Hilary Taub has been a Main Line Realtor since 1991 specializing in residential, commercial, investment and industrial properties. "I take great pride in the fact that I have a thorough knowledge of my marketplace. Your time is valuable and I respect that!" Hilary has been married 27 years to her husband Steve and has a 23 year old son, Lowell. Hilary has been recognized for her outstanding achievements as a member of Prudential's Million Dollar and Multi-Million Dollar Clubs, the Leading Edge Society and the Society of Excellence. Hilary has also taken advanced education courses leading to the CRS, GRI, CBA and PRESS designations.

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