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Office: Yardley, PA
Office #: 215.493.4343
Voicemail #: 610.964.2808
Fax #: 215.493.6476

Serving Bucks County since 1984, Valerie Mix is both admired and respected for her integrity, professionalsim and genuine concern for clients, customers and fellow associates. As a residential and relocation specialist, Valerie has consistently achieved success in sales and service whil also taking an active role in both company and community affairs. She has been honored with numerous, prestigious industry awards and holds the distinguished designations, Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) and Graduate, Realtors Institute (GRI) and Accredited Buyer Representation (ABR). Valerie Mix's enthusiasm and her positive approach readily summarize her basic philosophy for career success and will definitely ensure the desired results for her clients.

Would you like personalized assistance from Valerie? Please provide the following information below:

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Approximate value of real estate to be purchased:
Over $500,000

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